
So... Unban?

Discussion in 'ZeldaCraft Reports & Ban Appeals' started by Zetanub, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. skyrimnord12

    skyrimnord12 Banned

    probably gonna be
  2. vayanui8

    vayanui8 Senior Bracer

    thatll be nice zetanub was always very friendly
  3. skyrimnord12

    skyrimnord12 Banned

    hmmm i say he gets one more chance
    vayanui8 likes this.
  4. skyrimnord12

    skyrimnord12 Banned

    should we limit him to one more tempban?
  5. vayanui8

    vayanui8 Senior Bracer

    we should wait for the mods to decide
  6. skyrimnord12

    skyrimnord12 Banned

    i know its just a suggestion.
  7. Zetanub

    Zetanub Hylian Knight

    Well. The thing is, I've made the mods angry, not really the players, so they have their own personal grudge against me. Not a real reason, but that's how the world goes. And anyway, this server doesn't actually use MCban, so their bans do not register for me, as 100% bannable. Not trying to anger you more, but I'm trying to say how I see this issue
  8. skyrimnord12

    skyrimnord12 Banned

    zen, i hope u get unbanned, but pls try not to make any more mistakes, pls?
  9. skyrimnord12

    skyrimnord12 Banned

    gosh, bart, mr shires wont post my math grade
  10. Zackinblack

    Zackinblack God of Hyrule

    I hardly know any one any more XD
    CastleCrasher99 likes this.
  11. Zetanub

    Zetanub Hylian Knight

    Mod please...?
  12. skyrimnord12

    skyrimnord12 Banned

    dude. i really hate to say this, but it dosent look like ur gonna get unbanned. sorry to say
  13. Zetanub

    Zetanub Hylian Knight

    Well. I want a mod's opinion, other than Gabo and Valoo, because they hold biases against me. And I can wait. I have forever to wait. So I'll wait until that day, and you will never stop hearing of me until then.
  14. skyrimnord12

    skyrimnord12 Banned

    i never said i didnt like to not hear from you. i just said
  15. Zetanub

    Zetanub Hylian Knight

    All I did, the first offense, was start building a moon. I was building too close to Clocktown, Gabo said, but no one was doing anything else about making a moon, and I think I am a pretty decent builder, ask JuanArrendondo, so Gabo got angry, and temp banned me, and destroyed my partial moon. Then, I was building a spawner for someone, I think his nick at the time was Amaterasu. So I was opening up the area for spawning, and Gabo teleports to Amaterasu, and says he wants to check it out, so he comes down, and breaks our spawner. I got really angry at him, so I ragequit, and he tempbanned me while I was gone, and I never got out of that temp ban, because someone must have banned me while I was tempbanned, probably Gabo.

    For the second banning, with Seraph, I was wandering around the ZeldaCraft Map, NOT GRIEFING, and I saw his house from skyblock, so I go to the tower underneath, climb it, and go to the back of his temple. I wander into the temple, and I doubt anyone has seen it, but it's pretty beautiful and huge, but of course, I don't have anything on me, in case I die, so I ask SN77-Divinus to get me some smooth stone, so I can replace anything I break, which of course, I never receive. I only ask for four, because there is a two thick wall which I broke through to get to a hidden room, which I really wanted to see. I replace the blocks after exploring the whole house, and I make sure everything is the same. I then log out beneath the house, because I didn't want to relog back into the house. But SN77 posted a thread about me going into the house, which I did not expect, because I asked him to be quiet, because I knew Seraph was stingy that no one went into his house, and would be very angry if anyone on at the time told him. So next time, when I tried to log on, I was banned. So I sat and waited for a while. One mod thought I should be unbanned, so he/she unbanned me. But the next day, Seraph was on, and he banned me for the reason "SORRY DICKERS".
    That's the whole truth.
    skyrimnord12 and vayanui8 like this.
  16. vayanui8

    vayanui8 Senior Bracer

    can someone give zet another chance.

    p.s. the inside of seraphs house really is amazing. arguably even better than the outside
  17. Zetanub

    Zetanub Hylian Knight

    Yes. It's really quite nice. And I didn't grief it, so it still looked nice.
  18. gabocore

    gabocore Olympus Lord

    Yeah that mod was me. I unbanned you, i didn't know you got banned again.
  19. theNintengeek

    theNintengeek Sir Surge

    Considering seraph left signs saying do not enter means something...imo
  20. Mark

    Mark Admin Staff Member

    Moved to the reports & ban appeals forum.

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