
Zezzaro's Mod app! 2nd

Discussion in 'Mod Applications' started by Zezzaro, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Zezzaro

    Zezzaro Hylian Knight

    Your minecraft username: Zezzaro
    Why do you want to be a mod: So I can help players that got griefed.
    Do you have a good understanding of the commands a mod uses: I think I know them pretty well, I'll post a list further down with some of the commands that I think is most important.
    Will you be responsible, calm, mature, and trustworthy: I will always be hones to veryone so yes. If someone think of me as immature I will try my best to make them think I am not.
    1. Someone's house has been griefed, what do you do? I would go and check how it looks and go in inspect mode using the /co inspect command, then I would rollback and ban the griefing player if she/he griefed more then 50 blocks.
    2. Some users are arguing, what do you do? I would try to stop them and if they wouldn't stop I would mute them.
    3. A user is hurling abusive language at you, what do you do? First I would ask why the player is mad at me and then ask the player to calm down. If he/she keep doing it I would mute the player for 5 mins.
    4. Someone enters another person's house without their permission, what do you do? Ask them friendly to exit the house and if they wouldn't I would kick them.

    /co inspectWhen you’re in inspect mode you can right click a block to see who placed/destroyed it and when.
    To disable inspect modeuse the /co inspect command again..

    /co rollback u:<username > t:<time> r:<radius >

    Undo a grief
    Example : /co rollback u:Zezzaro t:1h 9m r:7

    /ban <player>

    Ban a player permantly, only permban someone if the players has hacked or griefed much

    /tempban <player> <time>
    That command tempbans a player in a limited time

    /jail <player> <time>

    Jail a player

    /mute <player> <time >
    That command makes a player can’t chat for <time>

    To un-mute a player simply write /mute <playername>


    This command unbans a banned player
    That's the commands I think is most important.
    Thank you for reading.
    Sry if the text is too big.

  2. Zezzaro

    Zezzaro Hylian Knight

    Ik it is pretty short, sry for that :/

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