
My new gaming channel!

Discussion in 'Advertising' started by RGEpicMrT, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. RGEpicMrT

    RGEpicMrT I like chips

    Hello people, I have come to announce my new gaming channel! I just play games and react to them. So far the only games that have been requested are horror games and there's two vids of me playing them. (Curse you Slender...) I do take suggestions on what I should play, (as long as they're on the PC and free, unless I already have them) so... yeah!

    You can look at my channel at

    I (Try to) play SCP: Containment Breach!

    I (Try to) play Slender: The Eight Pages!

    I really hated playing Slender XD

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