
JCondor's Moderator Applicaton (2018, Fixed)

Discussion in 'Mod Applications' started by JCondorDoes, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. JCondorDoes

    JCondorDoes Hylian Knight

    Central Time
    17 yo

    I wish to be a Moderator because I have been on the server for nearly 5 years at this point. I am finally getting around to posting a well thought out application. I typically build for the server and do other things, as a current Builder. I'm as active as I can be, and will be more active during summer, however what I see is I am on quite often, and there are times when a Mod is needed, but I can't do anything other than get the attention of a mod that is not online at that moment in time.

    As someone who has hosted a server before, I have a clear understanding of commands and syntax:

    /kick [Player]
    simply kicks a player from the server.

    /ban [Player] [Reason]
    Permanently bans a player for a given reason.

    /tempban [Player] [Time]
    Temporarily bans a player for specified time

    /invsee [Player]
    Allows you to view the inventory of another player.

    /co i
    Toggles inspection mode (for checking griefs)

    /co rollback u: t:[time] r:[radius] a:[action] b:[blocks] e:[exclude] Rolls back with specified commands.
    Rolls back anything done with specific parameters used.

    /co restore [same params as /co rollback]
    Undo's any rolling back done.

    /co lookup [Same Params as /co rollback]
    Looks up data for specified parameters

    Application Questions:

    1. First I check how much was griefed and by whom, then rollback the damage and:
      - Less than 50 Blocks: Tempban of 3 days
      - Less than 100 Blocks: Tempban of 1 Week
      - More than 200 blocks: Permban
    2. I try to sort out the argument without any punishment, but if it continues I mute both parties for a time so people can cool down. If it continues past this, there will be jailing until the argument ceases.
    3. I calmly ask them to stop, and if it continues, I mute them for 5 minutes to allow them to calm down, and if they persist a jail is in their future. Any further is a tempban of varying lengths depending on the language used
    4. I first ask them to leave nicely. If that doesnt work after the 3rd time, I will teleport them away. If they return, I will jail them for an hour or so. If none of that works, a short tempban will occur.

    Anything I don't know I am willing to learn. I have been on the server for years and have contributed in various ways. I am willing to help the server grow further.

    Thank you for considering my application,

    nasfi and iNightz like this.
  2. JCondorDoes

    JCondorDoes Hylian Knight

    Clarification: Central Standard Time is GMT-6
    nasfi likes this.
  3. JCondorDoes

    JCondorDoes Hylian Knight

    b u m p.
    (changes: I'm now 18 years old. Griefing bans will depend on worth of blocks and if items were stolen etc.)
    nasfi likes this.
  4. SuSAliens

    SuSAliens Hylian Citizen

    App Vote: yeah
    To be honest you are a really good person and I know you are a good help with builds. You get along great with players and staff alike and that at the end of the day counts more than your app. I know you know all of the commands but I would have liked it if you put a couple more commands like /unban. I would have also liked to have seen longer responses to the questions as well as having the questions pasted on the app as well instead of just a number. Also I think your ban punishments for griefing is too lenient (but i'm nit picking at this point).
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2018
    nasfi likes this.
  5. JCondorDoes

    JCondorDoes Hylian Knight

    nasfi likes this.
  6. nasfi

    nasfi Soufla

    Hmmmmm, sounds nice

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