
I was new at the time!

Discussion in 'ZeldaCraft Reports & Ban Appeals' started by Stormtrooper16, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Stormtrooper16

    Stormtrooper16 Hylian Hero

    I am speaking today because i was banned... until now i realized what i did was wrong. i was completely new to mine-craft. i didn't know what crafting sword? planks??? i thought killing peoples chickens didn't matter, honestly. i didn't know what griefing was. i told my friends about my experience because i though it was funny... "you know you can get banned from that!"
    wait what? If you give me one more chance i will prove to you guys, that im safe!!! i now know what griefing is! i wont do it anymore! i was even thinking about buying VIP. and being a mod.
    Btw i was griefed once too so i know how it feels... (its not good) So please i beg, give me another chance.
  2. theNintengeek

    theNintengeek Sir Surge

    Well considering you don't just get to be mod when you say you want to proves to me you are a Noob at minecraft. Get 2 other mods to agree and i'll aprove this
  3. vayanui8

    vayanui8 Senior Bracer

    please dont unban him he greifed me alot.
  4. theNintengeek

    theNintengeek Sir Surge

    For one your not in charge let me say. And i feel the sympathy for this guy. Because imma be straight forward honest This was Exactly what i was when i first joined zeldacraft. Yup. I used to be a greifer. Zeldacraft was the first server i went to with a no-greifing rule, the others were faction servers or plot servers, so i had no clue what "greifing even was" in this guys case, zeldacraft appears to be his first server in general
  5. Stormtrooper16

    Stormtrooper16 Hylian Hero

    Excuse me??? to (vayanui8) you werent even on this server when iwas on it!! the date of minecraft purchase...11/8/12 the first time i went there was 12/something/12 bbtw i remember it was Mysterious figure hes a VIP.
  6. Moveit77

    Moveit77 Time Lord

    I was once a griefer. I knew that breaking other ppl's stuff isn't allowed, but I had no idea what the term "griefing" meant. I WAS once punished for griefing, but I had a reason. I destroyed something that was build in the Heroes of Time HQ, which was kind of a club back then, and I was the founder/owner. I thought I had the right to destroy it. I still think i should have.
  7. Pollioni

    Pollioni Writer

    Mysterious figure is vayanui8. Since he is VIP he can change his name -_-
  8. vayanui8

    vayanui8 Senior Bracer

    You don't run from the scene if you didn't know you were doing something wrong. I caught him greifing the crap out of my stuff and he ran the second I saw him
  9. Stormtrooper16

    Stormtrooper16 Hylian Hero

    well i couldnt tell, you just came running to me with sword, i thought is was abandoned... people here should be able to understand
  10. Stormtrooper16

    Stormtrooper16 Hylian Hero

    Btw guys i was banned for griefing right? well you may be happy to know that the only "griefing" i did was killing his chickens.
    im serious i was banned because of killing his chickens. not all of them honestly i didn't think that persons house was active i met while mining underground.
  11. vayanui8

    vayanui8 Senior Bracer

    you demolished my chickenator 3000. you killed all the chickens and destroyed all the bottom section
  12. Pollioni

    Pollioni Writer

    Whoa chickenators are really hard to build. And how could something THAT BIG be unoccupied. Some of the small shacks doted around the map are but something that big is not. And I have seen that chickenator griefed before. The grief is fixable but the chickenz are not.
  13. vayanui8

    vayanui8 Senior Bracer

    He literally killed hundreds of chickens. I havent been able to get it as efficient ever since
  14. skyrimnord12

    skyrimnord12 Banned

    killing and destroying other peoples stuff is common sense. try asking before you do stuff like that.
  15. XMidnaX

    XMidnaX Princess of the Twili

    I didn't used to be a griefer, but I was a noob at minecraft when I joined ZeldaCraft.
    I didn't understand how peoples nicknames in the chat were different from there actual usernames.
    I understood not to grief peoples houses. But I griefed once unintentionally, and got permabanned. I got unbanned though, and trusted enough that one day I became a mod, but we're talking many many many months after.

    I'm not really sure who you are, so I don't have a yes or no answer to this.
  16. Stormtrooper16

    Stormtrooper16 Hylian Hero

    look, i didn't grief his anything! it was just his chickens! nothing else! he was also a VIP, which where never down here! when me and my friend played it was just us down in the survival almost all homes were unoccupied! i always wondered were those voices came from, until i found out that EVERYONE was at the VIP!
  17. Pollioni

    Pollioni Writer

    At the VIP? You mean paid. Thing is before I went on minecraft here was my plan:
    1. Reaserch this unknown game on its website and watch some tutorials (paulsoaresjr)
    2. Reaserch blocks and mobs on the wiki.
    3. Reaserch different memes on this game (creeper enderman)
    4. Reaserch rules of the game in multiplayer.
    5. Start off with an easy survival peaceful world

    That is my list of things to do BEFORE joining minecaft.
    vayanui8 likes this.
  18. vayanui8

    vayanui8 Senior Bracer

    He greifed the crap of the basement of my chickenator and killed over 500 chickens.
  19. Pollioni

    Pollioni Writer

    :O 500? That's a lot. Even for a chickenator 3000
  20. Stormtrooper16

    Stormtrooper16 Hylian Hero

    it was not 500.

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