
I know what I did was in a sense wrong.

Discussion in 'ZeldaCraft Reports & Ban Appeals' started by cdcash912, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. cdcash912

    cdcash912 Deku Scrub

    Dear Zeldacraft Server Moderators,

    I'm aware that using a modded client isn't something that should be used on a server like this. But I was attempting to use one for a freecam view of some of the dungeons. As to whether you believe me or not is up to you. I've removed the client (too weird to figure it out) and would love to be back on the server, even if that means starting anew.

    Sincerely, cdcash912
  2. SuSAliens

    SuSAliens Hylian Citizen

    ban appeal denied

    you literally admit you used a hacking client in chat even though its not allowed AT ALL. You had time to know and read the rules and avoid this. So in the end this all fall on you. I hope in the future you take this and learn from your mistakes and come back a better person.
    JCondorDoes and nasfi like this.
  3. cdcash912

    cdcash912 Deku Scrub

    Fair enough. I completely understand. Again, I truly do apologize. Keep having fun!

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