
Brutal Insults

Discussion in 'Trendy Game' started by CougarTownPlaya, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. Mergu

    Mergu Drowning Staff Member

    You make awful roasts.

    gonna just keep posting this
  2. Sentinel_Baker!

    Sentinel_Baker! The Gambler.

    You make awful roast dinners.
  3. Benjehamaus

    Benjehamaus The Hero of Legend

    British people are cunts.
    Sentinel_Baker! likes this.
  4. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

    i know you are but what am I
  5. theNintengeek

    theNintengeek Sir Surge

    Sorry that I'm intricate and allow no excuses to go untold ;P
  6. Mergu

    Mergu Drowning Staff Member

    You ramble on too much
  7. theNintengeek

    theNintengeek Sir Surge

    You don't know the difference between gruyere and swiss
  8. Feverish

    Feverish Bulma appreciation

    You've played too much Pheonix Wright and now you think you're an Ace Attorney yourself
  9. Benjehamaus

    Benjehamaus The Hero of Legend

    You fuck dogs
    horcrux2007 likes this.
  10. seahat

    seahat Hylian Hero

    You're too thirsty of a fuckboi
    GreyCollared likes this.
  11. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

    Your only chance of getting laid is to crawl up a chicken's ass and wait
  12. Niblit

    Niblit Hylian Knight

    u bettr check urself b4 u rek urself
  13. RGEpicMrT

    RGEpicMrT I like chips

    I don't know who you are
    And I'm glad for that
  14. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

    nobody will ever like you or want you. people simply tolerate your existence. You will die alone.
  15. Niblit

    Niblit Hylian Knight

    I love how this is a joke thread, and your using that to disguise the fact that your actually being dead serious.
    gg, dude. gg.
  16. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

    lol I'm not serious this is a joke thread and therefore I'm joking
  17. Niblit

    Niblit Hylian Knight

    With our spiteful history towards each other, I jumped to a conclusion, so I may have been wrong.
  18. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

    you have a spiteful history with everyone, get used to not assuming things
  19. Banned_

    Banned_ Banned

    Your choice be so dumb, you need more accounts.
  20. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

    your grammar is poor and your avatar is a low quality jpeg

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