
A mod app, I suppose.

Discussion in 'Mod Applications' started by Kozuta, Feb 18, 2018.

  1. Kozuta

    Kozuta Space Cowboy

    Well, seeing as how there's been a great fall in the number of staff, I guess this will be my second mod app.

    I've been on the server since June 17th, 2017. The community has been amazing, and I'm extremely saddened to see so many people go. So, why not try to help out, I suppose. A lot of great memories have come from ZC and I've honestly grown to be a person I'm more proud of. I'll just get into the app before I start to ramble for too long. :confused:

    Your Minecraft username: I have two accounts, those being DetectiveKoz and Kozuta. I primarily play on DetectiveKoz as of recent, but I don't care which account the promo is given to.

    Time Zone: EST/UTC -5

    Age: 15, but I think it's safe to say that I've grown far more mature than my initial start on the server.

    Why do you want to be mod: I wish to be mod as it can help out the server, and the fact of the current shortage on them, meaning the count could use a boost. And honestly, I don't think I've got much worth as builder now, since I've heavily lost my touch when it comes to building.

    Do you have a good understanding of the commands a mod uses:
    Yes, I've gotten quite a good understanding of the commands, testing them out on other servers.

    /co help - Shows the list of commands for CoreProtect, if it's ever needed for you to refresh your knowledge on them.

    /co rollback - The basis of the command used to restore blocks to a previous state, such as before blocks were placed, or broken.

    u: - the part of the command to designate the specific player you wish to roll back the actions of.

    t: - the part of the command used to specify the length of time you wish to roll back from.

    r: - the part of the command that selects the radius of space around you that you would like to rollback in.

    a: - the part of the command where you specify the action of the player that you would like to rollback. Examples being "break" "place" "-container" and "+container"

    Together, it would look similar to this: /co rollback u:DetectiveKoz t:100h r:60 a:-container (This would roll back any items I've taken from chests within the 60 block radius, and within the last 100 hours)

    /co inspect - This command will enable the CoreProtect inspect mode, allowing you to see who has broken or placed blocks by clicking or right clicking.

    /co restore - This command will undo your most recent rollback if you mess up, without you needing to type out a lengthy command

    Commands for PUNISHMENTS:

    /mute [name] [time] - This will mute specified player for the desired amount of time

    /unmute [name] - Simply enough, this undoes a mute on someone

    /kick [name] [reason for this kick] - This will remove this player from the server, without banning them, while explaining why they've been removed.

    /Jail [name] [time] - Put a player in an in-game jail where they must stay for the desired amount of time given.

    /unjail [name] - This will remove a player from their imprisonment.

    /tempban [name] [time] [reason] - This will temporarily ban a player from the server for the given amount of time, and give them an explanation as to why they've received this temporary ban.

    /ban [name] [reason] - This will permanently ban a player from the server, and give them an explanation as to why this action has been done. Used for the real
    naughty players :l-angry:

    /unban [name] - This will undo someones permanent ban, if they've either been wrongfully banned, or have been accepted to return on a ban appeal.

    /banip [name/IP] - This will effectively ban all accounts connected through this IP.

    /unbanip [name/IP] - this will remove the ban of someone IP if this action was done wrongfully, an appeal has been accepted, or if multiple people play through the same IP. (Should most likely be verified, in case they might be lying)

    /banhistory [name] - This will show you all bans and tempbans the given player has received previously.

    Misc. Commands:

    /fly - As the command suggests, this will enable fly mode for you.

    /socialspy [off/on]

    /tpo [name] -
    This will teleport you to a player without the need of requesting to do so

    /invsee [name] - this will allow you to take a look into the given players inventory to see if they have anything they shouldn't.

    /v - The most fun of these commands. This command makes you become invisible to all other plays, while also hiding yourself from scoreboard and displaying that you've logged out in chat.

    How would I react to these situations:

    1. Someone's house has been griefed, what do you do:
    Firstly, I would teleport to the player whose reported a grief, asking where it is located. Once there, using /co inspect I will check whose griefed this area, then using /co rollback I will repair the grief, and possibly tempban (or in rare cases, perm ban) if the situation calls for it.

    2. Some users are arguing, what do you do: The first thing to do would be politely ask them to stop arguing, or at least take the arguement into private messages. If they do not do either of these, I will mute each player for 5 minutes. If they continue to argue after being muted once, I will mute them again for 10. (then 15, and after that, they will be kicked if they happen to be so persistent)

    3. A user is hurling abusive language at you, what do you do: I will keep calm, and politely ask them to refrain from continuing. If they continue, they will be muted, the lengths being the same as the ones for users arguing provided in the question above this one.

    4. Someone enters another person's house without their permission, what do you do: They will first be politely asked to leave this person's house. If they do not leave, a simple /tpohere [name] will teleport them to me after I have left the area the person's house is located

    Thanks for taking time out of your day/night to read this :link:
    Hey Hyrule and Mergu like this.
  2. Kozuta

    Kozuta Space Cowboy

    Also, yes, I will be active, as my connection has cleared up, and is now letting me do things normally.
    lolsowhatsthis and Mergu like this.
  3. Mergu

    Mergu Drowning Staff Member

    Great app! Thanks for applying.
  4. Mark

    Mark Admin Staff Member

    Thumbs up from me :cool:

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