

Discussion in 'Mod Applications' started by Beedle, Jan 9, 2014.



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    1 vote(s)
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    8 vote(s)
  1. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    Hey, it's 2014 and the new mods are made. So I thought "New year, new app? Maybe it's gonna work this time :)". And I don't care if you don't like Beedle. Just that you know.
    Click this before reading!!​
    OHHHHH! A reader! Welcome to DarthBubblegum's fourth Mod Application! I'm (I have no idea what verb to put in here, I thought of "writing", but that sounds strange) pretty much anything and everything!
    Read more by scrolling down [​IMG]
    Let's get started....​
    Part 1: Qualifications​
    Why do you want to be a mod?
    Do I really have to answer this again? I'd like to be a mod to help Gab, DCaff and Mak with their "Night Shift" on the server. I'm often on around 2 or 3 am in your time and it's a big surprise to see a mod on that early. That wouldn't be a problem anymore, since I can count myself as a really active player. And of course I want to help all the other mods and normal players, too. The community is awesome and an awesome communtíty should get awesome support. I try to help where I can and the Mod rank would help me doing that.
    Do you have a good understanding of the commands a mod uses?

    Yes. Yes I do. As I told you guys, I have been mod or similar ranks on different servers before, and I haven't earned bad feedback yet. The commands were almost all the same like here, except the /jail command, I haven't used it before. But it's easy to use and understand so I don't think I would have any problems with it.
    Anyway guys, here's a list of the most important commands a mod uses on ZeldaCraft (I know there are many other commands such as /socialspy and /fly and that stuff, but I think I don't need to list them all now.)

    /jail <player> prison <time> = jail a player for <time> seconds (alternativeley: <time>+h = <time> hours)

    /unjail <player> = free a jailed player

    /mute <player> <time> = muted players can't speak in the chat for <time> seconds (alternativeley: <time>+h = <time> hours)

    /tempban <player> <time> = ban a player for <time> seconds (alternativeley: <time>+h = <time> hours)

    /ban <player> = ban a player permanently (only for extreme situations like hacking, hard or frequent griefing etc.)

    /unban <player> = unban a banned Player

    /co inspect = inspect mode: right-click a block, or place a block in a space to see who
    placed/destroyed it and when he did that

    /co rollback u:<player> t:<time> r:<radius> = undo a grief by the player in the last <time> hours in a radius of <radius> blocks

    Will you be responsible, calm, mature and trustworthy?
    I will. I see myself as a very trustworthy and responsible person and I don't think you've seen me acting immaturely yet. But you may have doubts about the calm part. And I need to admit: That's comprehensible. There have been two incidents lately where my behavior wasn't appropriate. And I'm sorry for that. But I had problems in my family during the last two months, my cousin did almost commit suicide and it was a very, very hard time for me... So don't worry, I'm usually a calm guy and I don't think you'll see me doing such a big rage thing again ;) And don't forget that the germans are well-known for their strong temperament XD

    Part 2: Questions
    Someone's house has been griefed, what do you do?

    If someone would message me about a grief, I would first tp to the player with /tp Griefed_Guy of course. Then I would inspect the grief. I do that with /co inspect. Now I'm in the inspect mode, that means that when I right click a block, it will show me who edited the block and when they did. Now I see that the player Bad_Guy destroyed 21 blocks 10 hours ago. To fix that grief, I type /co rollback u:Bad_Guy t:10h r:15. The grief should be fixed now. But I'm not done yet! Bad_Guy is a bad guy because he griefed Griefed_Guy and now he deserves a punishment for what he did. But it could be possible that Bad_Guy didn't grief Griefed_Guy on purpose, it may have been an accident. So I'm gonna message Bad_Guy (/msg <player> <message>) if he's on or send him a mail if not (/mail send <player> <text>) to ask him why he griefed. When I'm sure he doesn't lie on me and it was an accident, I'd just give him a warning that he should be more careful and even if the house was uninhabited, griefing is not allowed. If he did that on purpose, and the grief is not bigger than 25 blocks, I'd give him a warning that he'd never do it again and that he shall apologize to Griefed_Guy as son as possible. If he griefed more than 25 blocks or if it's his second grief, I'd either jail or tempban him for one hour (/jail Bad_Guy prison 3600 or /tempban Bad_Guy 3600). If he griefed more than 50 blocks or it's the third time, I'd tempban him for ten hours (/tempban Bad_Guy 36000). And if he griefed 100+ blocks and/or it's his fourth grief, I'm gonna ban him (/ban Bad_Guy, unban with /unban Bad_Guy or /pardon Bad_Guy) permanentely.

    Some users are arguing, what do you do?

    If I see some players arguing or cussing at each other, I'd immediately tell them to stop that. If they don't stop, I'd mute them for 5 minutes (/mute <player> 300) so they calm down. If they continue after that or start using abusive language, I'd either mute them for ten minutes (/mute <player> 600) or jail them for 5 minutes (/jail <player> prison 300). It depends on the situation. If they contionue even after that or find a way to continue arguing though they're muted (like books or signs or what ever), I'd give them a tempban for half an hour (/tempban <player> 1800).

    A user is hurling abusive language at you, what do you do?
    I'd keep calm in that situation and tell them to stop that please in a kind way. If they ignore me and keep cussing, I'd mute them for 5 minutes (/mute <player> 300). If they continue after that cooldown, I'd jail them for ten minutes (/jail <player> prison 600). If even that's not enough, I'm gonna tempban them for 15 minutes (/tempban <player> 900).
    Someone enters another person's house without their permission, what do you do?
    First I would tell them to get out of there, please. They have to ask the house's owner first. In the unlikely case that they ignore or defy me, I'd kick them (/kick <player> <reason>). If they still keep doing it, I'd jail them for two minutes or longer (/jail <player> prison 120). And if they won't stop, I'd think about a 5 minutes tempban (/tempban <player> 300).
    Ok, this was my Mod Application, I hope you enjoyed it, and THANK YOU!!!! for reading. I appreciate all your opinions and votes and I hope they'll be as good as last time ;) So now have a good day and BYE!!!!
    thecharizardf8 and Americano99 like this.
  2. Moveit77

    Moveit77 Time Lord

    I loved the background music.
    gabocore and DarthBubblegum like this.
  3. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    Hahaha thanks, I thought it would be good to add a new Feature :l-lol:
  4. istutt909

    istutt909 Ey lmao

    App vote: Yes
    Who needs a reason? >:D
    DarthBubblegum likes this.
  5. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    Thanks mate :D
  6. vayanui8

    vayanui8 Senior Bracer

    DarthBubblegum likes this.
  7. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    Thank you :l-nn:
  8. gabocore

    gabocore Olympus Lord

    App Vote: YES
    DarthBubblegum likes this.
  9. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    Yay, thank you gab :D
  10. Peter

    Peter Meme Machine

    Wub I say Yes wub.
    DarthBubblegum likes this.
  11. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    Wub thanks wub.
  12. Peter

    Peter Meme Machine

    wub sure
  13. KxWarrior

    KxWarrior Wot r u dern in mah swemph

    You got a YUS from me!
    DarthBubblegum likes this.
  14. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    Haha thanks and I know you didn't even read it :p
  15. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    Oh btw, congrats on getting mod!
  16. KxWarrior

    KxWarrior Wot r u dern in mah swemph

    Thanks. And I did read it o3o
  17. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    You can't have read that text within one minute
  18. Onnowhere

    Onnowhere King of Hyrule

    [​IMG]App vote: Yeah!

    I like how you plan to use first-fourth time griefs
    DarthBubblegum likes this.
  19. Beedle

    Beedle Nautical Trader

    Othx and... Is there anything wrong with it?
  20. Onnowhere

    Onnowhere King of Hyrule

    nupe, it's good!
    btw for times in the temb bans and such you can do hours with h and days with d just like coreprotect

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